Culture & Superstitions

Zhu Bajie in «Journey to the west»

Zhu Bajie, also known as Zhu Ganglie and Zhu Wuneng, is a character in the classical Chinese novel Journey to the West. Originally, he was the General Tianpeng, a deity under the Jade Emperor in charge of the Milky Way. However, after getting drunk and flirting with Chang’e, the goddess that lives in the moon, he was banished from Heaven by the Jade Emperor and reincarnated on earth. Unfortunately, he mistakenly ended up in the womb of a sow, which caused him to have a pig-like appearance.

After descending to earth, Zhu Bajie «married» a woman named Lady Erjie and lived in the Yunzhang Cave on Fuling Mountain. However, within a year, Lady Erjie passed away, leaving Zhu Bajie to inherit her wealth. He continued living in the cave, surviving by eating humans. Later, under the guidance of the Bodhisattva Guanyin, Zhu Bajie converted to Buddhism and received the dharma name «Wuneng», that means ilumination and hability. He then waited at Gao Lao Zhuang for the scripture seeker, and when Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong passed by on their journey, Zhu Bajie was subdued and became Tang Sanzang’s disciple.

Because of his seemingly «honest» nature, Tang Sanzang often sided with Zhu Bajie, which led to conflicts with Sun Wukong. Zhu Bajie, being somewhat manipulative, took advantage of this and twice caused Tang Sanzang to expel Sun Wukong from the journey. However, after the «Real and Fake Monkey King» incident, the master and disciples united in their mission, and Zhu Bajie became a valuable helper to Sun Wukong. Together, they defeated many demons, such as the Bull Demon King, the Nine-Headed Worm, the Leopard Spirit, and the Python Spirit. Although Zhu Bajie continued to be tempted by beautiful women, his resolve improved over time, and he even killed several female demons like the Jade-Faced Fox, the Princess of Ten Thousand Saints, and the Apricot Fairy.

After successfully retrieving the scriptures, Zhu Bajie was granted the title of «Clean Altar Messenger» Bodhisattva by Buddha. Zhu Bajie represents a mix of human qualities like hard work and honesty, as well as the greed and selfishness associated with his pig form. Additionally, he possesses divine powers, making him a unique combination of human, divine, and animal characteristics.

Turning to Buddhism

Zhu Bajie was originally General Tianpeng in the Milky Way, but after drunkenly flirting with Chang’e, he was supposed to be executed according to heavenly law. However, Taibai Jinxing interceded on his behalf, and his life was spared. Instead, he was beaten 2,000 times by the Jade Emperor and banished to earth. During reincarnation, Zhu Bajie mistakenly entered the womb of a sow, and after being born, he killed the mother pig and took refuge in Yunzhang Cave on Fuling Mountain. There, he became the live-in son-in-law of Lady Erjie. Less than a year later, Lady Erjie passed away, and Zhu Bajie inherited her wealth and lived a life of eating humans.


Guanyin, on her way to the Great Tang of Chang’an to find someone to retrieve the scriptures, passed by Fuling Mountain. Zhu Bajie attacked her, but Guanyin’s guardian, Muzha, intercepted him, and they fought fiercely. Just as the battle reached a stalemate, Guanyin dropped a lotus flower, separating Zhu Bajie’s rake. Zhu Bajie, not knowing what divine power this was, was told by Muzha that it was Guanyin’s lotus flower. Realizing this, Zhu Bajie threw down his rake and kowtowed to Guanyin. Upon inquiry, Zhu Bajie revealed his background and origins. Guanyin advised him to turn toward good and convert to Buddhism, but Zhu Bajie was concerned about his large appetite and the possibility of starving, as he was used to eating humans. Guanyin then instructed him that eating grains and vegetables could also satisfy his hunger. Enlightened, Zhu Bajie expressed his willingness to convert, and Guanyin gave him the name «Wuneng» and instructed him to wait there for the person who would retrieve the scriptures.

Joining the Journey to the West

Years later, Zhu Bajie transformed into a stout black man and came to Gao Lao Zhuang in the Usang Kingdom, where he married Gao Taigong’s third daughter, Gao Cuilan. At Gao Taigong’s house, Zhu Bajie worked diligently, plowing fields without using oxen and harvesting crops without a sickle. However, he eventually reverted to his pig-like appearance, causing Gao Taigong to regret taking in a demon as a son-in-law. Concerned about his reputation and the lack of visitors, Gao Taigong wanted to annul the marriage. Zhu Bajie refused and locked Gao Cuilan in the back courtyard, preventing her from seeing her family.

Gao Taigong hired several monks and Taoists to subdue Zhu Bajie, but none of them succeeded. When Gao Taigong’s steward went to find more help, he encountered Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong, who were on their journey west. Sun Wukong, disguised as Gao Cuilan, waited in the back courtyard for Zhu Bajie. When Zhu Bajie arrived, unaware that «Gao Cuilan» was actually Sun Wukong, he embraced her and tried to kiss her. Sun Wukong held Zhu Bajie’s mouth and used a technique to throw him to the ground. Thinking «Gao Cuilan» was upset that he was late, Zhu Bajie tried to explain, but Sun Wukong, still in disguise, pretended to be unwell and asked Zhu Bajie to undress and go to bed. As Zhu Bajie began to undress, Sun Wukong seized the opportunity to go to the bathroom and sighed, saying, «Fate is unfortunate.» Zhu Bajie, misunderstanding, said that he had worked hard for Gao Taigong’s family, providing for Gao Cuilan’s needs. Sun Wukong revealed his true identity, and Zhu Bajie, realizing the situation, quickly dressed and fled. Sun Wukong pursued him to Yunzhang Cave, where Zhu Bajie retrieved his nine-toothed rake, and the two fought from midnight until dawn. Unable to defeat Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie retreated into the cave.

Pigsy and Gao Cuilan’s actors

Sun Wukong returned to explain the situation to Tang Sanzang and then smashed the entrance to Yunzhang Cave, forcing Zhu Bajie to come out and fight again. Sun Wukong mocked Zhu Bajie’s weapon as a simple farming tool, but Zhu Bajie boasted that it was a divine weapon forged by Taishang Laojun himself. Sun Wukong stood still, allowing Zhu Bajie to attack with all his strength, but the rake couldn’t harm him. Realizing he was no match for Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie asked how he ended up there from Flower Fruit Mountain. Sun Wukong explained that he was protecting Tang Sanzang on his journey to retrieve the scriptures. Hearing this, Zhu Bajie burned Yunzhang Cave and followed Sun Wukong to meet Tang Sanzang.

Guanyin had already initiated Zhu Bajie into Buddhism, and Tang Sanzang made him bow to Sun Wukong as his elder brother. The Bodhisattva gave him the dharma name «Wuneng.» Having already given up eating meat, Zhu Bajie asked Tang Sanzang for permission to eat meat again, but Tang Sanzang refused and gave him the name «Bajie,» meaning «Eight Precepts.» Since his clothes had been torn by Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie asked Gao Taigong for new ones and told him to take good care of Gao Cuilan in case he ever decided to return. Sun Wukong scolded him for this and made him carry their luggage as they continued their journey to the West.

Challenges on the Journey

As they passed through Huangfeng Ridge, the Tiger Vanguard under the Yellow Wind King used a trick to capture Tang Sanzang. Sun Wukong found the monster’s cave and defeated the Tiger Vanguard, who tried to flee but was killed by Zhu Bajie with his rake. After Sun Wukong subdued the Yellow Wind Monster with the help of the Bodhisattva Lingji, Zhu Bajie entered the cave and killed all the remaining demons.

When they reached the Flowing Sand River, the three disciples examined the inscriptions on a stone tablet by the river when Sha Wujing suddenly emerged from the water to seize Tang Sanzang. Sun Wukong grabbed Tang Sanzang and retreated, while Zhu Bajie fought Sha Wujing with his rake for twenty rounds, neither side gaining the upper hand. Sun Wukong joined the fight, forcing Sha Wujing to retreat into the river. Zhu Bajie believed he could have defeated Sha Wujing within a few more rounds and criticized Sun Wukong for interfering. Sun Wukong, acknowledging his lack of swimming skills, suggested that Zhu Bajie lure Sha Wujing out of the water to fight on land. Zhu Bajie entered the river, where Sha Wujing insulted him for his coarse meat, enraging Zhu Bajie. He boasted about his tender flesh and fought Sha Wujing underwater for two hours. Feigning defeat, Zhu Bajie fled to the shore, with Sha Wujing pursuing him. However, Sun Wukong, being impatient, attacked before Sha Wujing reached the shore, causing him to dive back into the water. When Zhu Bajie tried the same trick again, Sha Wujing refused to come out. Frustrated, Sun Wukong sought help from Guanyin, who sent Muzha to assist them in subduing Sha Wujing and ferrying Tang Sanzang across the river.

As they traveled through Xiniu Hezhou, they encountered a large estate owned by an elderly woman and her three daughters named Zhenzhen, Ai’ai, and Lianlian, who were looking for a live-in son-in-law. After some discussion, the disciples suggested that Zhu Bajie marry one of the daughters. Although he pretended to be unwilling, he secretly went to see the elderly woman under the pretext of grazing the horses. Greedy, Zhu Bajie wanted to marry all three daughters, but the elderly woman refused. Instead, she proposed that Zhu Bajie wear a handkerchief and headbutt the sky as part of the marriage ritual, resulting in Zhu Bajie falling and injuring himself. Frustrated, Zhu Bajie suggested marrying the elderly woman herself. She then offered him three pearl-embroidered silk garments, saying he should marry the daughter whose garment fit him best. When Zhu Bajie put on the first garment, it turned into a rope that tightly bound him. The next morning, everyone realized that the estate had disappeared, and Zhu Bajie was left tied to a tree. It turned out that the elderly woman and her daughters were actually transformations of the goddess Lishan Laomu, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.

When they arrived at Wuzhuang Temple on Wanshou Mountain, the temple master, Zhenyuan Daxian, an old friend of Tang Sanzang from a past life, had gone to attend a lecture at the Palace of Nirvana upon the invitation of Yuanshi Tianzun. Unable to greet Tang Sanzang personally, he left his disciples Qingfeng and Mingyue to entertain him with ginseng fruit. Mistaking the ginseng fruit for children, Tang Sanzang refused to eat it, so Qingfeng and Mingyue returned to their quarters to enjoy the fruit themselves. While cooking in the kitchen, Zhu Bajie overheard their conversation about the ginseng fruit and, unable to resist his cravings, persuaded Sun Wukong to steal three fruits. Zhu Bajie ate too quickly, swallowing the whole fruit without tasting it, and complained that he hadn’t had enough. His complaints were overheard by Qingfeng and Mingyue, leading to an argument. In a fit of anger, Sun Wukong knocked down the ginseng fruit tree. Fearing the consequences, the disciples fled during the night but were caught by Zhenyuan Daxian, who used his mystical sleeve to capture them.

As Sun Wukong sought a remedy for the ginseng fruit tree overseas, he encountered the Three Stars of Fortune, Prosperity, and Longevity, and brought them back to Wuzhuang Temple to stall for time. Zhu Bajie greeted them in his own way: he placed a hat on Longevity Star’s head, symbolizing «adding a crown to bring prosperity,» patted Fortune Star all over his body, symbolizing «everywhere is fortune,» and after leaving, he gave Fortune Star a stern look, symbolizing «looking back at fortune.» He also took a small qing (a type of Chinese bell) and rang it everywhere in the temple, symbolizing «auspiciousness in all seasons.» Later, Sun Wukong invited Guanyin to revive the ginseng fruit tree, and Zhenyuan Daxian hosted a «Ginseng Fruit Banquet,» where Zhu Bajie finally got to eat a ginseng fruit.

At Baihu Ridge, Sun Wukong went to pick peaches to satisfy Tang Sanzang’s hunger. Meanwhile, a demon named White Bone Spirit disguised herself as a young maiden and approached Tang Sanzang, pretending to offer food. Zhu Bajie was about to eat when Sun Wukong returned and struck the White Bone Spirit with his staff, causing her to escape using a «corpse-disguise technique,» leaving behind a fake corpse. Tang Sanzang scolded Sun Wukong, and Zhu Bajie took advantage of the situation to incite Tang Sanzang to recite the «Tightening-Crown Spell» to punish Sun Wukong, who begged for mercy and was spared.

Later, the White Bone Spirit disguised herself as an elderly woman and then as an old man to deceive Tang Sanzang, but Sun Wukong, with the help of local earth and mountain deities, revealed her true form—a white skeleton. Zhu Bajie once again stirred up trouble, claiming that Sun Wukong had turned an innocent person into a skeleton out of fear of the Tightening-Crown Spell. Tang Sanzang believed him and expelled Sun Wukong.

As they approached Wanzi Mountain, Zhu Bajie went to beg for alms but soon fell asleep. When Tang Sanzang had waited for a long time without seeing him return, he sent Sha Wujing to find him. Meanwhile, Tang Sanzang accidentally wandered into the Cave of Bo Yue, home to the demon Huangpao. Sha Wujing found Zhu Bajie and returned to search for Tang Sanzang. Huangpao, trying to trick them, suggested that Tang Sanzang was inside the cave enjoying human meat buns and asked if they wanted to join him. Zhu Bajie, nearly falling for the trick, was stopped by Sha Wujing, who reminded him that they had renounced eating human flesh. Realizing the danger, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing attacked Huangpao together.

During the battle, Huangpao’s wife, Baihua Xiu, pretended to have a dream about a deity and begged Huangpao to release Tang Sanzang. Huangpao agreed, and Zhu Bajie, along with Tang Sanzang and Sha Wujing, continued westward to Baoxiang Kingdom, where they delivered Baihua Xiu’s letter to the king. The king pleaded with Tang Sanzang to save his daughter, so Tang Sanzang sent Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing back to Bo Yue Cave to rescue her. However, the two were defeated by Huangpao, Sha Wujing was captured, and Zhu Bajie escaped and hid in a haystack, sleeping until midnight.

Afterward, Zhu Bajie flew back to Baoxiang Kingdom, where the White Dragon Horse informed him that Tang Sanzang had been turned into a tiger by Huangpao and that only Sun Wukong could save him. Zhu Bajie then went to Flower Fruit Mountain and told Sun Wukong that Tang Sanzang missed him and wanted him to return. But Sun Wukong, enjoying his carefree life on the mountain, refused. Zhu Bajie then used reverse psychology, falsely claiming that Huangpao wanted to capture Sun Wukong, skin him, pull out his tendons, chew his bones, and eat his heart, before frying his remains. Enraged, Sun Wukong immediately set off with Zhu Bajie and went directly to Bo Yue Cave, where they rescued Sha Wujing and captured Huangpao’s two children. Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing flew over Baoxiang Kingdom and threw the two children to the ground in front of the palace. Huangpao, seeing this, rushed back to Bo Yue Cave, where Sun Wukong tricked him into a trap and defeated him. They then returned Baihua Xiu to Baoxiang Kingdom and saved Tang Sanzang.

zhu bajie
Pigsy and Sha Wujing

As they traveled through Pingtian Mountain, Sun Wukong, frustrated with Tang Sanzang’s constant favoritism toward Zhu Bajie, tricked Zhu Bajie into scouting ahead. After walking for a while, Zhu Bajie lay down and fell asleep. Sun Wukong transformed into a woodpecker and pecked at Zhu Bajie’s nose until he woke up and continued on his way. When Zhu Bajie returned to Tang Sanzang, he lied, claiming that there was a stone mountain with a stone cave and an iron-leaf door ahead. However, Sun Wukong had already informed Tang Sanzang of the truth, so when Zhu Bajie returned with his lie, Tang Sanzang scolded him. Zhu Bajie had no choice but to scout the path again. This time, he suspected every flower, bird, and beast to be Sun Wukong in disguise. But he soon encountered real demons and was captured by Silver Horned King and his minions. Later, Tang Sanzang and Sha Wujing were also captured.

Sun Wukong tricked Silver Horned King into being trapped inside a gourd and defeated Golden Horned King, rescuing Zhu Bajie and the others. Golden Horned King then gathered demon soldiers to attack, but Zhu Bajie joined Sun Wukong in battle, killing Golden Horned King’s uncle, A-Qi King. Sun Wukong then trapped Golden Horned King inside the gourd, and the two demons were eventually taken away by Taishang Laojun.

Upon reaching Baolin Temple, Tang Sanzang had a dream in which the King of Wujing Kingdom sought his help. Tang Sanzang recounted the dream to his disciples, and Sun Wukong tricked Zhu Bajie into sneaking into a glazed well to retrieve the king’s body. After reviving the king, Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong entered the city and defeated the false king, who was revealed to be a green-haired lion, which was then taken away by Manjushri Bodhisattva.

As they approached the six-hundred-li Diamond Mountains, Tang Sanzang was captured by Red Boy. Sun Wukong sought help from the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, but their rain actually fueled Red Boy’s Samadhi True Fire, causing Sun Wukong to faint. Zhu Bajie revived Sun Wukong using the Zen method of massage and then went to the South Sea to ask Guanyin for help. However, Red Boy, disguised as Guanyin, tricked Zhu Bajie into following him to the Fiery Cloud Cave, where he was captured. Sun Wukong then sought out the real Guanyin, who subdued Red Boy and saved Zhu Bajie.

Later, when crossing the Black Water River, the demon Tuolong disguised himself as a boatman and captured Tang Sanzang while Zhu Bajie was on the boat protecting him. The Western Sea Dragon King sent his son, Mo’ang, to capture Tuolong, rescuing Zhu Bajie in the process.

As they entered the country of Chechi, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing went to the Three Purities Hall, where the three Taoist demons Tiger Power Immortal, Deer Power Immortal, and Sheep Power Immortal worshipped their statues of the Three Purities. The three disciples, disguised as the Three Purities, enjoyed the offerings and threw the original statues into the toilet. When the three demons discovered that their offerings had been eaten, they believed it was a manifestation of the Three Purities and asked for holy water. Zhu Bajie and his brothers each urinated into a bowl to mock the demons. The next day, during a contest, Sun Wukong used tricks to kill the three demons.

When they reached the Eight Hundred Li Tongtian River, the river was too deep and wide to cross. They took refuge in the home of Chen Cheng in Chenjia Village and learned that he planned to sacrifice his daughter Yichengjin and his nephew Chen Guanbao to the river demon, Linggan King. To save them, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie transformed into the two children and were placed on a lacquered tray as offerings at Linggan Temple. When Linggan came to eat them, Zhu Bajie struck him with his rake, knocking off two of his fish scales. Linggan escaped and froze the river with a spell, trapping Tang Sanzang on the ice. He then broke the ice and captured Tang Sanzang. Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing fought Linggan in his underwater palace but were defeated. Sun Wukong then sought help from Guanyin, who used a fish basket to capture Linggan, freeing Tang Sanzang.

When they reached Jindou Mountain, Sun Wukong drew a protective circle to safeguard Tang Sanzang and the others before going to beg for food. However, in the cold winter, Zhu Bajie complained that the circle could not block the wind and cold and persuaded Tang Sanzang to leave the circle. As a result, they were captured by the demon Qingniu. Sun Wukong sought the help of Taishang Laojun, who subdued Qingniu and rescued them.

In the Kingdom of Xiliang, Zhu Bajie and Tang Sanzang drank water from the Child-Mother River, causing them to develop pregnancy symptoms. Sun Wukong and Sha Wujing defeated the demon Ruyi True Immortal on Jieyang Mountain and obtained water from the Falling Fetus Spring, which they used to cure Zhu Bajie and Tang Sanzang. Fearing that they might catch cold and become ill, Zhu Bajie stayed indoors to relieve himself and bathe.

When they arrived at the capital of the Women’s Kingdom, the disciples pretended to agree to let Tang Sanzang marry the queen. They deceived her into sending them out of the city, but when the queen refused to let them go, Zhu Bajie insulted her, calling her a «pink skeleton,» and scared her into retreating. However, Tang Sanzang was then captured by a scorpion demon. Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong tried to rescue him but were injured by the demon’s poisonous stinger. Following Guanyin’s guidance, Sun Wukong sought help from Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva, who killed the scorpion demon and healed Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong.

After Sun Wukong killed a group of robbers, Tang Sanzang became angry and expelled him. Seizing the opportunity, the Six-Eared Macaque attacked Tang Sanzang, stole their belongings, and pretended to be Sun Wukong. When Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing went to recover their things, they realized that the real Sun Wukong was still at Flower Fruit Mountain and that the one who attacked Tang Sanzang was an impostor. Sun Wukong fought the Six-Eared Macaque from Heaven to Earth until he finally killed him. During this time, Zhu Bajie took the opportunity to kill the false Tang Sanzang and the false Zhu Bajie, retrieving their belongings. Sun Wukong returned after defeating the Six-Eared Macaque.

As they reached the Eight Hundred Li Flaming Mountain, Sun Wukong transformed into the Bull Demon King and tricked Princess Iron Fan into giving him the Banana Fan. However, the Bull Demon King then disguised himself as Zhu Bajie and stole the fan back. Zhu Bajie, upon discovering this deception, became furious and fought the Bull Demon King, but was defeated. Later, Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong regrouped and attacked the Bull Demon King again, this time with the help of the celestial warrior Nezha and Buddha’s Vajra. Together, they defeated the Bull Demon King, retrieved the Banana Fan, and extinguished the flames on Flaming Mountain.

At the Kingdom of Jisai, they learned that the nine-headed worm had stolen the relics from Jin Guang Temple. Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong went to Bibotan Pond to retrieve them. Zhu Bajie used a feigned defeat to lure the nine-headed worm out of the water, and they joined forces to defeat it. Afterward, Zhu Bajie killed Princess Wansheng and retrieved the relics.

As they traveled through the Eight Hundred Li Thorn Ridge, the ground was covered in thorns. Zhu Bajie enlarged himself to twenty zhang in height and cleared a path for Tang Sanzang and the others. However, while resting, Tang Sanzang was captured by a tree demon who wanted to marry him. Zhu Bajie and the others arrived just in time to kill the tree demons.

At Xiaoxi Heaven, Zhu Bajie, Tang Sanzang, and Sha Wujing were captured by Yellow-Browed King. Sun Wukong, with the help of Maitreya Buddha, subdued the demon and rescued them.

In the Eight Hundred Li Rotted Persimmon Valley, they encountered a python demon. Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong worked together to kill it. Zhu Bajie then transformed into a giant pig and cleared a path through the rotten persimmons, leading Tang Sanzang and the others forward.

At Zhuzi Kingdom, Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong explored the city, discovered a decree, and helped Sun Wukong cure the king’s illness. They then continued their journey westward.

At Pansiling, Tang Sanzang was captured by seven spider demons. Sun Wukong went to find them and saw the spider demons bathing in the Clear Spring. Concerned about his reputation, Sun Wukong did not attack them directly but transformed into an eagle and stole their clothes. He then called Zhu Bajie to deal with them. Zhu Bajie transformed into a slippery catfish and swam into the water, causing the spider demons to scatter in panic. Afterward, Zhu Bajie reverted to his true form and tried to fight them, but the spider demons, desperate to save their lives, used their webs to tie him up. They then fled to Yellow Flower Temple to seek protection from the centipede demon. Sun Wukong rescued Zhu Bajie and Tang Sanzang and continued westward to Yellow Flower Temple. The centipede demon used poisoned dates to poison Zhu Bajie and the others. Sun Wukong sought help from the Blue-Lotus Bodhisattva, who subdued the centipede demon and saved Zhu Bajie and the others.

At the Eight Hundred Li Lion Camel Ridge, Zhu Bajie fought the White Elephant Demon but was captured. Sun Wukong disguised himself as a ghost from the underworld to trick the demons into thinking he was there to collect Zhu Bajie’s soul. Zhu Bajie, frightened, handed over his hidden stash of money to Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong then rescued Zhu Bajie, and together they captured the White Elephant Demon. However, the White Elephant Demon pretended to lead them safely through the mountains but instead led them into a trap set by the Green Lion Demon and Golden-Winged Great Peng. The three disciples fought the three demons until nightfall, but Zhu Bajie was captured by the Green Lion Demon after being distracted by his large ears. Sun Wukong and Sha Wujing were also captured by the Golden-Winged Great Peng and White Elephant Demon. The demons placed Zhu Bajie and the others in a steamer to cook them, but Sun Wukong managed to free Zhu Bajie before the demons noticed. When they tried to escape again, they were recaptured. Sun Wukong then went to the West to seek help from Buddha, Manjushri, and Samantabhadra, who subdued the three demons, freeing Zhu Bajie and the others.

At Biqiu Kingdom, Zhu Bajie urinated and mixed the mud with Tang Sanzang’s face, transforming him into a false Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong then disguised himself as Tang Sanzang and entered the palace, driving away the prime minister. Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong pursued the prime minister and killed the fox demon who had enchanted the king of Biqiu. After defeating the prime minister, he reverted to his true form as a white deer and was taken away by the Southern Pole Immortal.

At Zhenhai Chanlin Temple, Tang Sanzang was captured by a mouse demon and taken to the Bottomless Hole. Zhu Bajie disguised himself as a stout monk and tricked two small demons into revealing the location of the demon’s lair. Sun Wukong then enlisted the help of Li Jing and Nezha to capture the mouse demon.

As they approached Wuyin Mountain, Sun Wukong tricked Zhu Bajie into thinking that someone ahead was preparing a feast for monks. Zhu Bajie eagerly took his alms bowl and went to ask for food from the demon, who was actually a leopard demon. The leopard demon and his minions attacked Zhu Bajie, who panicked and started losing the fight. Sun Wukong, watching from above, encouraged Zhu Bajie, who then regained his courage and fought off the leopard demon and his minions. The leopard demon used the «Split-Petal Plum Blossom Technique» to distract Zhu Bajie and the others, allowing him to capture Tang Sanzang and trick them with a fake head. Zhu Bajie buried the fake head, made a makeshift memorial with willow branches, and then, along with Sun Wukong, sought revenge. They killed the wolf demon and destroyed the leopard demon’s lair, rescuing Tang Sanzang.

At Yuhua Kingdom, the three brothers accepted the three princes of Yuhua Kingdom as disciples and had weapons made for them based on their own—Zhu Bajie’s rake, Sun Wukong’s golden staff, and Sha Wujing’s demon-subduing staff. However, these weapons emitted light at night, attracting the yellow lion demon, who stole them. The three brothers disguised themselves as two small demons and a livestock trader, sneaking into the demon’s lair and retrieving the weapons. They then burned the lair to the ground. The yellow lion demon sought revenge and enlisted the help of Jiuling Yuansheng, who brought six other lion demons with him. In the ensuing battle, Zhu Bajie was captured by the lion demons, but Sun Wukong used his external body technique to capture two of them. The next day, Jiuling Yuansheng used his magic to capture Tang Sanzang, the king of Yuhua Kingdom, and the three princes. Sun Wukong and Sha Wujing tried to rescue them but were also captured. Sun Wukong then sought the help of Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun, who subdued Jiuling Yuansheng and freed Zhu Bajie and the others.

At Jinping Mansion, Tang Sanzang was captured by three rhinoceros demons. Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing tried to rescue him but were also captured. Sun Wukong then sought help from the Four Wood Stars, who defeated the rhinoceros demons and rescued them.

In Tianzhu Kingdom, the Jade Rabbit Spirit was subdued with the help of Nixiang Celestial Maiden. Zhu Bajie, momentarily infatuated, tried to embrace the maiden and suggested they play together, but Sun Wukong scolded him, and Zhu Bajie claimed he was just joking.

The Five Sages Become Immortals

When they finally reached Ling Mountain, they obtained the true scriptures and were escorted back to Chang’an by the Vajra guardians. However, since they had only encountered eighty-one difficulties and needed one more to complete their trials, the Vajra guardians dropped them from the sky over the Tongtian River. Zhu Bajie, instead of being upset, praised the Vajra guardians for their cunning. They were then ferried across the river by the old turtle, who became angry when they forgot to ask Buddha about his longevity and threw them into the river. After drying out their scriptures on the shore, they were invited to stay at Chen Cheng’s home in Chenjia Village. Afterward, they returned to Chang’an, where they presented the scriptures to Emperor Taizong and stored them in the Wild Goose Pagoda.

Following this, they returned to Ling Mountain. Due to his large appetite, Zhu Bajie was appointed as the «Clean Altar Messenger» Bodhisattva, allowing him to enjoy the offerings from Western devotees.

Journey to the west

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